The New Year is about new beginnings. At least, we often hope so!
At Gospel in the City we are going to be spending the opening weeks of this new year looking at the genuinely new beginning that Jesus’ coming brings.
We’ll start off with the water becoming wine at Cana and the cleansing of the temple in Jerusalem, before turning to Jesus’ conversations about the new birth and the living water. In all these episodes we’ll see that the one who is the Word of God in the flesh offers us a radically life-changing new start. Good news for our workplaces. Good news for our working lives. Good news for us.

We meet on Wednesday lunchtimes, 1.10-1.45pm. Each meeting features a change to get a sandwich or a hot drink and to listen to a short talk on the Bible passage for the week. Our venue is the restaurant of the Clayton hotel, just a few minutes walk south of City Hall. Turn right immediately after you enter the hotel and our area is usually at the far end of the restaurant.
Sandwiches and hot drinks are available. Suggested donation £3.