At Gospel in the City one of our aims is to equip Christians to be faithful followers of Jesus in their workplaces – we can think of them as one of our ‘frontlines’ – places where we interact with people who don’t share our faith. The Scriptures have a number of examples that show how the people of God can faithfully live for him in their work environments. One great example is the work life of Joseph.
Joseph is a character well known to many of us, but we’ve probably never thought much about Joseph as a worker. The interesting thing about Joseph is we see almost nothing of Joseph’s relationship with God: all we and those who interact with Joseph see are the results of his clear faithfulness. Those who interact with us on a daily basis may never see our prayer and devotional lives. They may never see us in church. But do people notice the difference faith makes in our lives as we face difficult and dead end jobs, and as we react to promotion and success?
Come along over the next four weeks as we explore how Joseph was faithful in his work and see what God might be calling you to in your work.
20/03 Faithfulness in a dead-end job Gen 39: 1-6
27/03 Faithfulness in promotion Gen 41: 1-40
03/04 Faithfulness in success Gen 41: 41-57
10/04 Faithfulness used by God Gen 50: 15-26